The beauty of silent dawah
It is said that actions speak louder than words. What is meant by this statement is that no matter what we say it is what we actually do that people will take notice of. If we say one thing but practice something altogether differently, people will see through that and we will be perceived as being hypocritical and untrustworthy. All of our words, no matter how beautiful and correct they are, will lose their effectiveness because they have been tarnished by our bad actions.
The best way for us to make a positive impression on others is to treat them with respect, keep our promises, be honest in our dealings and be willing to admit mistakes when they are committed.
Muslims are taught that the best example of good conduct is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In fact, he was nicknamed As-Sadiq al-Amin (the Honest, the trustworthy) by the Makkah Quarysh even before he was commissioned to be a prophet. And Allah says of his excellent character in the Quran, “Verily, you are of the noblest of character” (68:4), and “Verily in the Apostle of Allah you have the best example for those who have the hope of meeting Allah and expect to stand before Him, then remember Allah most often …” (33:21)
In addition, one of the famous companions of the Prophet, Anas bn Malik, stated that, “the Prophet (pbuh) was the best man to live with (best in words and actions).” He further said, “I lived with him for a period of ten years during which he never rebuked me for any mistake nor did he ever said why did you do this nor didn’t do that.” In addition his wife, Aishah, stated that, “the Prophet (pbuh) never raise his hands to beat any child or woman and that he used to be just in dealing with his wives and children.”
The biography of the Prophet (pbuh) is filled with numerous examples of his patience, forgiving nature and nobility of character. In addition, he was respectful to the elders of the community and kind to the youngesters.
Allah says of the Prophet in the Quran, “It is part of the Mercy of Allah that you deal gently with them. If you were severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for (Allah’s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when you have taken a decision put you trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)” (3:159).
The Prophet (pbuh) won many people over to his message not merely by the message he conveyed, but by the excellence of his character. Even his enemies could not find fault in the way he conducted himself.
And so we, contemporary Muslims, have a model before us regarding how to conduct ourselves when dealing with our non-Muslims friends, neighbours and co-workers. If we want them to have a favourable impression of Islam then we must strive to behave in an appropriate manner. Do we have a right to complain if people have a negative impression of Islam and Muslims when we are dishonest in our dealings, rude in our conduct and consistently fail to keep our promises? Will anyone listen to what we have to say if we behave in such a manner?
Intelligent people throughout history have understood this principle. For example, it was Benjamin Franklin who stated that, “Well done is better than well said.” And and old African Proverb states, “When deeds speak, words are nothing.” In addition, Andrew Carnegie stated, “As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”
Regardless of all of our beautiful sermons, nicely written articles, glossy pamphlets, well designed websites, or our abilities to “refute” someone’s point of view with sound evidence, if we are not following the noble example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and being mindful that our actions are more important than what we say, regardless of the correctness of our words, then all of our efforts to leave a favourable impression of Islam will come to naught.
One need not be a scholar or any kind of orator to practice silent dawah as our good actions will speak for themselves.
By: Yahya Abdul Rahman