An Offensive Film? A Prophetic Response

An Offensive Film? A Prophetic Response

In the light of the recent movie that was spread, insulting the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and Islam, and after some Muslims added to the insult and proved their opponents’ accusations, I tend to ask myself a simple yet fundamental question:

  • What would he have done in a similar situation?
  • Did he face a similar situation, to begin with?

What we really need is to  identify, assess, and control our emotions individually and in groups in order to harness this energy, even the anger, and manage it to achieve the intended goals.

We will distribute 5000 pocket guide about our beloved prophet (Peace be upon him).
Support our Prophet Daawa campaign please: Volunteer or Donate

Yes we are angry. Who is not? However, the response should be well planned and proactive.

  • Let us go out of this vicious reactive circle. 
  • Let us stop blaming this ignorant movie maker and talk to our intelligent neighbours and friends. 
  • Let us go out and tell our Canadian fellows about our prophet. Give the real image. 

how can we help?

  1. Raise Awareness
  2. Talk to neighbours, friends, colleagues …
  3. Support Daawa activities
  4. Collaborate with fellow muslims
  5. Share the beauty of our Islam
  6. Share the biography of our prophet .. 

Would you like to support Masjid As-Salam campaign to distribute 2000 packages about the prophet (Peace be upon him)? We are raising $5,000 to acquire and distribute books around Montreal.

You can donate online now

Share some info about him:


Who is this prophet (Mouhammad peace be upon him)?

Who is this prophet (Mouhammad peace be upon him)?

A man who lost his parents but refused to be called an orphan. Man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart to her, shared his fears to no one but her, cleaned after himself and sewed his clothes, and was faithful to her till her last breath.

He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone on their pasts or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant. 

His neighbor was Jewish and his cousin-in-law was a Christian priest. Was beaten and exiled when he was helpless. Was merciful when he became stronger.

Intelligent, wise and a hard worker, built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life.

He had no parents, but loved his daughters and grandchildren. His last will was “Be good to women”. This man is a dreamer, this man is my Prophet Mohammed, a man worth looking up to – peace be upon him.

If you truly love the Prophet (PBUH), tell others about the life and his teachings.

Le Conseil musulman de Montréal condamne un film anti-musulman, les réactions violentes et encourage tous les musulmans à faire preuve de retenue

Montréal, Québec, 14 septembre 2012 – Le Conseil Musulman de Montréal (CMM) a condamné les récentes violences ayant eu lieu au Moyen-Orient suite aux protestations après la sortie d’un film qui dépeint négativement l’islam et les musulmans. De même, le CMM présente ses sincères condoléances aux familles des défunts.
«Puisque le cinéaste veut créer la haine et la division, réagir par la violence, c’est tomber dans son piège», a déclaré Salam Elmenyawi, président du CMM. «Une telle violence ne fera que conduire à davantage de violence et ne fera pas avancer les intérêts religieux, politiques ou sociaux d’aucun groupe. Même si nous sommes dégoûtés par le message du film, notre réponse doit être équilibrée et de tels actes de violence ne sont nullement justifiés. En effet, prendre la vie d’une personne innocente, c’est comme prendre la vie de toute l’humanité et ces actes insensés vont à l’encontre des enseignements et des valeurs mêmes de notre Prophète. “
«Puisque de telles situations deviennent de plus en plus courante, il faut s’attaquer à la racine du problème et nous appelons tous les pays à travers le monde à lutter contre la diffamation de la religion et de protéger les religions contre de tels discours haineux. Ces lois doivent également limiter ceux qui cherchent exclusivement à offenser les sentiments religieux, semer la discorde et créer la haine contre les personnes d’autres confessions. Nous demandons également à tous les musulmans d’éviter d’agir avec émotion dans de tels cas et de travailler intelligemment afin de déconstruire les faux stéréotypes au sujet de notre religion et à accroître leurs efforts pour montrer nos véritables enseignements et nos valeurs. Bien que nous soyons tous bouleversés de voir de telles attaques haineuses contre notre religion, nous devons persévérer face à de telles intimidations et ne pas laisser nos actions être définies par de telles attaques racistes contre nous.»
MCM encourage tous les musulmans canadiens à ouvrir leurs maisons et les mosquées pour leurs voisins de même qu’à contribuer à répandre une véritable compréhension de l’islam afin de contrer les efforts de ceux qui cherchent à diffuser des messages négatifs sur les musulmans.

Muslim Council of Montreal condemns anti-Islamic film and violent reaction and encourages all Canadian Muslims to show restraint

Montreal, Quebec, September 14th, 2012- The Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM) condemned the recent violence following protests in the Middle East over the release of an online film that negatively depicts Islam and Muslims and extends its condolences to the families of the deceased.
“The filmmaker desires to create hatred and division and to react with violence is to fall into their trap,” stated Salam Elmenyawi, president of MCM. “Such violence will only lead to more violence and will not advance the religious, political or social interests of any group. Although we are disgusted by the message of the film, our response must be balanced and such acts of violence are in no way justified. To take the life of an innocent person is like taking the life of all of humanity and these senseless acts go against the very teachings and values of our Prophet.”
“As such occurrences become more common, we must address the root of the issue and we call on all countries around the world to combat defamation of religion and protect religions from such hate speech. Such laws must also restrict those who only seek to offend religious sentiments, sow discord and create hatred against people of other faiths. We also ask all Muslims to avoid acting with emotion in such instances and to instead work intelligently to deconstruct the false stereotypes about our religion, and to increase their efforts to show our true teachings and values. Though we are all upset to see such hateful attacks against our religion, we must persevere in the face of such intimidation and not let our actions be determined by such racist attacks against us.”
MCM encourages all Canadian Muslims to open their homes and mosques to their neighbours; to help spread a true understanding of Islam and to counter the efforts of those seeking to spread negative messages about Muslims.