Support Daawa activities: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

Support Daawa activities: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

If you know a friend and you would like to talk to them about Islam, this little precious gem is the first start.

This book is specifically written for non-Muslims to help them better understand Islam. Some of the topics in this book are: – Evidence that Islam is a true religion. – Proofs that the Qur’an is the literal word of God. – Scientific miracles in the Qur’an with scientific illustrations. – Why Muhammad is truly a prophet sent by God? – Some benefits of Islam. – General information on Islam. – Pillars of faith. – Correction of some misconceptions about Islam. – The status of women in Islam. – What Islam says about terrorism.

We have copies at the Masjid in English, French, Spanish and Chinese. You are welcome to pass by and pick one at your convenience. We can arrange to mail it to people out of Montreal. If you would like to support this activity, you can donate at this link. Each copy costs $1.