Oct 17, 2012
Assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatouh,
This is to let you know that the moon has been sighted today, the 29th of Zul-Qida, in number of locations around the world, in accordance with our agreed upon criteria (information below). Therefore, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 17th, is the first day of Zul-Hijja, and Eid-ul-Adha will be on Friday the 10th of Zul-Hijja, October 26th, in shaa Allah.
I would like to take this occasion of unity and season of spirituality, in these special ten days of Zul-Hijja, to wish you and your family a very happy and blessed month of Zul-Hijja filled with good deeds, more of which in the first ten days, in accordance with the Sunna, and may Allah accept our repentance, good deeds and accept the efforts of all those performing Hajj.
May Allah Taala make this Eid a very joyful time for you, your family and for Muslims around the world, forgive us our shortcomings and guide us toward success in this life and the hereafter, and protect us and our children from any trial and all evils.
In these special days, please don’t forget to make duaa to our community and Muslims around the world, especially in Syria and all those who are facing hardship and difficult time.
Jazakoum Allaho khiran and best wishes to all
Eid Mubarak
Wa assalamou alaikoum
Salam Elmenyawi
1. Special request to the administrators or the imams of our mosques: please confirm the location and time of Eid prayer organized by your masjid, by return email, as soon as possible to post it on our website and to inform the community, in shaa Allah.
2. MCM imams’ committee agreed to follow global matlaa with certain conditions. For the purpose of this announcement, the following conditions at the location of the claimed sighting must apply to be able to consider the moon sighting report credible:
1. The moon set must be after sunset by sufficient time for visibility.
2. The moon age must be above 10 hours of age.
3. The sunset time at the location of sighting must be before or same sunset time in Montreal, or in the boundary of North or South America.
Oct 17, 2012
La présente est pour vous informer que la lune a été vue aujourd’hui, le 29e jour de Zoul-Qida, à de nombreux endroits sur la planète, et ce, en conformité avec les critères convenus (voir informations plus-bas). Par conséquent, demain le mercredi 17 octobre 2012 est le premier jour de Zoul-Hijja, et la Eïd-ul-Adha du 10e jour de Zoul-Hijja sera vendredi le 26 octobre, in shaa Allah.
J’aimerais profiter de cette période spirituelle et de fraternité, en ces jours spéciaux de Zoul-Hijja, pour vous souhaiter ainsi qu’à votre famille un très joyeux mois de Zoul-Hijja emplie de bonnes œuvres, particulièrement durant les 10 premiers jours conformément à la Sounna, et qu’Allah accepte notre repentir, nos bonnes œuvres et les efforts de tous ceux qui accompliront le Hajj.
Qu’Allah fasse de cette Eïd un moment de bonheur pour vous, votre famille ainsi que pour tous les musulmans autour du globe, qu’Il nous pardonne pour nos manquements et nous guide tous vers la réussite en cette vie et dans l’au-delà, de même qu’Il nous protège ainsi que nos enfants de toute épreuve et de tout mal.
En ces jours spéciaux, veuillez ne pas oublier de faire Dou’a pour notre communauté et pour les musulmans du monde entier, particulièrement pour ceux habitant en Syrie et ceux qui vivent des épreuves et moments difficiles.
Jazakoum Allaho khiran et meilleurs vœux à tous
Aid Mobarak
Wa assalamou alaikoum
Salam Elmenyawi
Notes :
1. Demande spéciale à tous les administrateurs et imams des mosquées : veuillez confirmer le lieu et l’heure de la prière de la Eïd organisée par votre mosquée en nous retournant un courriel réponse aussitôt que possible afin que nous puissions l’afficher sur notre site web pour informer la communauté, in shaa Allah.
2. Le comité des imams du CMM convient de suivre le matlaa global avec certaines conditions. Pour les fins de la présente annonce, les conditions suivantes à l’endroit de la prétendue vision de la lune doivent être remplies afin qu’elle soit considérée fiable :
a. La lune doit se coucher après le coucher du soleil avec suffisamment de temps pour qu’elle soit visible;
b. L’âge de la lune doit être supérieure à 10 heures;
c. L’heure du coucher du soleil à l’endroit où la lune a été vue doit être inférieure ou égale à l’heure de Montréal, et ce, dans les frontières partout en Amérique.
Oct 9, 2012
As-Salam 3alaykoum Wa Rahmatou Allah,
In Sha2 Allah, we would be distributing the roses and some fliers this Friday (Oct. 9th, 2012) at 5.00 pm in downtown (close to Masjid As-Salam, Concordia and maybe McGill). For those who do not know about the campaign, the roses campaign is part of our daawa activity for the year to talk to our Canadian neighbours about Islam and the great beloved Prophet Mouhammad (Peace be upon him).
We have put an order for 1000 roses (~$1,500). We might distribute another batch next week if there is a need and within the Daawa budget limitations.We need volunteers at 3.00 pm at the Masjid to clean the roses and prepare them.
We need volunteers at 5.00 – 6.00 pm to distribute the roses and speak to people also. There will be some fliers and books for those who are interested to know more. Please share and help us make this a success.
Click on this link if you want to donate ($5 = 3 roses)
Sep 15, 2012
In the light of the recent movie that was spread, insulting the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and Islam, and after some Muslims added to the insult and proved their opponents’ accusations, I tend to ask myself a simple yet fundamental question:
What would he have done in a similar situation?
Did he face a similar situation, to begin with?
What we really need is to identify, assess, and control our emotions individually and in groups in order to harness this energy, even the anger, and manage it to achieve the intended goals.
We will distribute 5000 pocket guide about our beloved prophet (Peace be upon him).
Support our Prophet Daawa campaign please: Volunteer or Donate
Yes we are angry. Who is not? However, the response should be well planned and proactive.
Let us go out of this vicious reactive circle.
Let us stop blaming this ignorant movie maker and talk to our intelligent neighbours and friends.
Let us go out and tell our Canadian fellows about our prophet. Give the real image.
how can we help?
Raise Awareness
Talk to neighbours, friends, colleagues …
Support Daawa activities
Collaborate with fellow muslims
Share the beauty of our Islam
Share the biography of our prophet ..
Would you like to support Masjid As-Salam campaign to distribute 2000 packages about the prophet (Peace be upon him)? We are raising $5,000 to acquire and distribute books around Montreal.
You can donate online now
Share some info about him: http://www.rasoulallah.net/
Sep 15, 2012
A man who lost his parents but refused to be called an orphan. Man enough to love a strong woman years older than him, worked for her and made her stronger, opened his heart to her, shared his fears to no one but her, cleaned after himself and sewed his clothes, and was faithful to her till her last breath.
He was good looking, courageous and fearless. He never judged anyone on their pasts or looks, and was moderate, open minded and tolerant.
His neighbor was Jewish and his cousin-in-law was a Christian priest. Was beaten and exiled when he was helpless. Was merciful when he became stronger.
Intelligent, wise and a hard worker, built a long lasting nation out of nothing in the last 20 years of his life.
He had no parents, but loved his daughters and grandchildren. His last will was “Be good to women”. This man is a dreamer, this man is my Prophet Mohammed, a man worth looking up to – peace be upon him.
If you truly love the Prophet (PBUH), tell others about the life and his teachings.