Oct 27, 2011
Assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatouh,
This is to let you know that the moon has been sighted today, the 29th of Zul-Qida, in number of locations around the world, in accordance with our agreed upon criteria (information below). Therefore, tomorrow, October 28th, is the first day of Zul-Hijja, and Eid-ul-Adha will be on Sunday the 10th of Zul-Hijja, November 6th, in shaa Allah.
Special request to the administrators or the imams of our mosques: please confirm the location and time of Eid prayer organized by your masjid, by return email, as soon as possible to post it on our website and to inform the community, in shaa Allah.
I would like to take this occasion of unity and season of spirituality, in these special ten days of Zul-Hijja, to wish you and your family a very happy and blessed month of Zul-Hijja filled with good deeds, more of which in the first ten days, in accordance with the Sunna, and may Allah accept our repentance, good deeds and accept the efforts of all those performing Hajj.
May Allah Taala make this Eid a very joyful time for you, your family and for Muslims around the world, forgive us our shortcomings and guide us toward success in this life and the hereafter, and protect us and our children from any trial and all evils.
In these special days, please don’t forget to make duaa to our community and Muslims around the world, specially those who are facing hardship and difficult time.
Jazakoum Allaho khiran and best wishes to all
Sh. Salam Al-Minyawi, Muslim Council of Montreal
Jul 31, 2011
From Muslim Council of Montreal (Version française ci dessous)
This is to let you know that the moon has been sighted in number of places around the world, in accordance with our agreed upon criteria. Therefore, the first day of Ramadan 1432 will be on Monday, August 1st, 2011, in shaa Allah Taala.
Furthermore, I would like to remind you that the committee has confirmed that this year’s Sadaqat-ul-Fitr will continue to be $7.00 per person.
On behalf of MCM, and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all, and your families, a very blessed Ramadan. May Allah Taala make it easy for us, change the conditions of Muslims around the world to the best, bringing the obedience of Allah, faith and safety, peace and prosperity to all Muslims and to accept our fast, prayers, recitations and all of our good deeds in this holy month of Ramadan and beyond, and to continue to shower us with His mercy and blessings.
Please don’t forget to support and include in your duaa all our brothers and sisters who are struggling to change in many places around the world and those who are either suffering under occupation or confronting famine and hardship.
Ramadan Mubarak and best wishes to all.
Wa assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatouh.
Salam Elmenyawi
Le Conseil Musulman de Montréal a le plaisir de vous annoncer que, la lune ayant été aperçue dans de nombreux endroits à travers le monde conformément aux critères de son Comité d’observation du croissant lunaire, le 1er Ramadan 1432 sera insha’Allah lundi 1er août 2011.
Par ailleurs, je tiens à vous rappeler que le Comité a maintenu Sadaqat-Al-Fitr à 7.00 $ par personne.
Au nom du CMM, je voudrais saisir cette occasion pour vous souhaiter à vous et à vos familles un Ramadan béni. Qu’Allah nous facilite le jeûne, qu’il améliore les conditions des musulmans à travers le monde, qu’il les guide à son obéissance, leur accorde la foi, la sécurité, la paix et la prospérité. Qu’Allah Taala accepte notre jeûne, nos prières, nos récitations, nos bonnes actions pendant ce mois sacré et qu’il continue à nous combler de sa miséricorde et de ses bénédictions.
Veuillez ne pas oublier d’appuyer et d’inclure dans vos Douaa (invocations) tous nos frères et sœurs qui luttent pour le changement dans de nombreux endroits à travers le monde ainsi que ceux et celles qui vivent sous l’occupation ou qui sont confrontés à la famine et à la misère.
Ramadan Moubarak et meilleurs vœux
Wa assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatouh.
Salam Elmenyawi